Today Haţeg is a landlocked town in Romania, but 70 million years ago during the late Cretaceous it was an island within a shallow sea that covered much of today’s southern Europe. At almost 80,000 square kilometres, it was similar in size to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola (Csiki 2005). It was formed by uplift caused by the closing of the Tethys Ocean when the African and Eurasian plates collided, a collision which is also responsible for mountain chains in both Southern Europe and North Africa. The plate movements continue today, as Africa pushes north.
The Densus-Ciula and Sânpetru Rock Formations
Left: Figure 1. Lithological sequence of fossiliferous sites near Sânpetru, the type locality of Nopcsa’s “Sânpetru sandstone”, from where most of the specimens he collected came.
The sediments that once formed Haţeg island are included in the Densus-Ciula and Sânpetru formations. These contain a wealth of fossil remains, including those of the famous dwarf dinosaurs that inspired Franz Nopcsa’s theory of Insular Dwarfism. These formations are roughly the same age (Csiki et al. 2008), Maastrichtian (65.5-70.6 Ma) of the Late Cretaceous, and were laid down in similar environments of lakes and rivers (Therrien 2006).
Outcropping mainly in the Râul Mare and Sibisel valleys is the 2.5 km thick Sânpetru formation, which historically has been divided into two members based on lithological differences: the lower member consists of red and grey-green mudstones and pyroclastic material; the upper member lacks red mudstones and includes numerous conglomerate beds (Nopcsa 1905; Grigorescu 1983, 1992; Weishampel et al. 1991). There has been discussion about whether this division extends throughout the formation or just in the Sibisel Valley (Therrien 2006).
The Densus-Ciula formation in the north-west of the Haţeg basin is almost 4 km thick and is divided into three members based on lithological differences: the lowest consists of a volcanic/ sedimentary sequence interspersed with lake deposited lime-muds (lacustrine marls); the middle comprises matrix-supported conglomerates, sandstones, red, brown, and green-grey mudstones and an abundance of fossils; and the topmost member is distinguished by being both poor in fossils and volcanic sediments. The middle member of this formation is most famous for its rich fossils , including dinosaur bones and eggs (Grigorescu et al. 1990; Grigorescu & Csiki 2008), mollusks and plants (Antonescu et al. 1983) and microvertebrates (Grigorescu et al. 1999), including lissamphibians and squamates (Folie and Codrea, 2005), small theropods (Csiki and Grigorescu 1998), pterosaurs (Jianu et al. 1997; Buffetaut et al. 2002), and mammals (Grigorescu et al. 1985; Csiki and Grigorescu 2000).
The fossil beds of Haţeg are impoverished in dinosaurs, with 13 species from the Sânpetru Formation and 10 from the Densus-Ciula Formation, compared more than 30 or 40 species in the Late Cretaceous Hell Creek and Lance formations of North America and the Nemegt Formation of Mongolia. The European Late Cretaceous dinosaurian faunas are also impoverished in ecological types and major clades; missing groups include large tetanuran theropods (including tyrannosaurs), ankylosaurids, pachycephalosaurs, and ceratopsians. The Haţeg faunas show closest similarities to Late Cretaceous faunas from Gosau in Austria, southern France, and Spain (Holtz et al., 2004) as well as Hungary (Ösi and Rabi 2006). The reduced diversity of European dinosaurs reflects that all these sites were islands in the Late Cretaceous (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Palaeogeographic map of the Mediterranean sector of Tethys during the Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous, showing the location of Haţeg. Palaeolatitude revised based on Panaiotu and Panaiotu (2002).
Abbreviations: A – Apulia; AA – Austro-Alpine Domain; Ab – Alboran Block; ACP – Apennine Carbonate Platform; AM – Armorican Massif; AT – Atlas; BM – Bohemian Massif; BoT – Bosnian Trough; Cb – Calabrian Block; CfB– Carpathian Flysch Basin; CR-CAU – Crimea-Caucasus; Do – Dobrogea; HB – Hatton Bank; HK – High Karst (Dinaric Carbonate Platform); IB – Iberia; IM – Irish Massif; Ka – Kabylia; KS – Kirshehir; MC – Massif Central; ME– Menderes; MoP – Moesian Platform; NsB – North Sea Basin; PIa – Pontides Island arc; RB – Rockall Bank; RH – Rhodope Massif; RM – Rhenish Massif; Sa-Co – Sardinian-Corsican Block; SP – Serbo-Pelagonian Massif; TD – Tisia-Dacia Block (the position of “Haţeg Island” is marked by a black star); UM – Ukrainian Massif; 1, the western boundary of Tisia-Dacia, as marked by the Maramures-Szolnok Trough and the Mid-Hungarian Line.
Legend: 1, deepmarine basins (pelagic carbonates, flysch); 2, shallow-marine basins (mainly siliciclastic and carbonate shelf deposits); 3, island arc; 4, emergent land; 5, active speading ridge; 6, thrust; 7, subduction.
Environment and Geography
Palaeogeographic reconstructions of Southern Europe during the Maastrichtian (Fig. 2) and palaeomagnetic analyses of sedimentary deposits (Patrascu and Panaiotu 1990; Panaiotu and Panaiotu 2002) have placed Haţeg island at a latitude between 20 and 30 degrees North, similar to that of the islands of the Caribbean today.
Based upon the study of paleosols (fossilised soils) the climate is thought to have been sub-tropical with distinct wet and dry seasons (Van Itterbeeck et al. 2004), carbon isotopes indicate “dry woodland” conditions (Bojar et al., 2005), and oxygen isotopes suggests a mean annual temperature of about 20-25 °C. Rainfall estimates differ according to whether they are based upon plant fossils or palaeosols. Palaeosols indicate that the climate had seasonal precipitation of less than 1000 mm/year, with greater evapotranspiration than precipitation and a fluctuating water table (Therrien, 2005). Fossil plants suggest mean rainfall of 1300-2500 mm/year (Pop and Petrescu, 1983). This difference may be explained by the ability of tropical plants to live in warm, monsoonal climates if they have access to sufficient water during the dry seasons to satisfy their metabolic needs, and so the palaeobotanical value was perhaps an overestimate (Therrien, 2005).
Haţeg – Island?
Although Nopcsa (1914) suggested that Haţeg had been an island, this was based largely on the fact the dinosaurs showed dwarfing. Geological evidence for this came later.
The size of Haţeg island has been debated, with estimates ranging 7500 to 200,000 square kilometres. The island of Haţeg would have been larger than just the Haţeg area today, as it would have included areas with no deposition; this puts the size of the island at 80,000 square kilometres (Csiki 2005).
Palaeogeographic reconstructions of Late Cretaceous eastern and southern Europe (Fig. 2) show an archipelago of tropical islands. Haţeg island would have been 200-300km away from the nearest mainlands in all directions. This isolation is confirmed by marine sediment deposits surrounding the Haţeg site.
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